

A unique terracotta is born from the encounter between our finely ground clays and a particular selection of stones.

The aggregates, selected based on color and re-ground in the company to obtain the correct grain size, are added to the mixture, in this way, after firing and surface finishing of the piece, the small fragments appear randomly, dotting the surface.

These inclusions, of different sizes and colors; from ivory to hazelnut to orange, they enrich the surface with elegant chromatic vibrations.

CottoZero Pietrame is another terracotta that comes from the experience of tradition and, in this collection, reinvents itself, becoming a precious interpreter of contemporary style.



The Pietrame collection is characterised by the presence of small inclusions of different sizes and shades.
These fragments mixed with the base clays create random graphic texture with great appeal. The different colours from white to red-brown create a very harmonious chromatic vibration in combination with the background colour, making each artefact an object to be discovered and appreciated both in its singularity and in the overall vision of the floor. During sanding operations it is possible that some inclusions will generate small holes in the surface, these will be filled during the grouting of the material.

USE: wall coverings / indoor - outdoor floors

MATERIAL: terracotta handmade

PRODUCTION: handmade / made in Italy

SIZE: handcrafted hand-molded material , nominal dimensions





10x10x2 cm - 3” 15⁄16 x 3” 15⁄16 x 25⁄32”

20x20x2 cm - 7” 7⁄8 x 7” 7⁄8 x 25⁄32”

25x25x2 cm - 9” 27⁄32 x 9” 27⁄32 x 25⁄32”

30x30x2 cm - 11” 13⁄16 x 11” 13⁄16 x 25⁄32”

40x40x2,5 cm - 15” 3⁄4 x 15” 3⁄4 x 63⁄64”



8x33x2 cm - 3” 5⁄32 x 12” 63⁄64 x 25⁄32”

10x20x2 cm - 3” 15⁄16 x 7” 7⁄8 x 25⁄32”

10x40x2 cm - 3” 15⁄16 x 15” 3⁄4 x 25⁄32”

12x48x2 cm - 4” 23⁄32 x 18” 57⁄64 x 25⁄32”

14x60x2.5 cm - 5” 33⁄64 x 23” 5⁄8 x 63⁄64”

15x30x2 cm - 5” 29⁄32 x 11” 13⁄16 x 25⁄32”

20x40x2 cm - 7” 7⁄8 x 15” 3⁄4 x 25⁄32”

20x60x3 cm - 7” 7⁄8 x 23” 5⁄8 x 1” 3⁄16

20x80x3 cm - 7” 7⁄8 x 31” 1⁄2x 1” 3⁄16

23x55x2 cm - 9” 1⁄16 x 21” 21⁄32 x 25⁄32”

30x60x2 cm - 11” 13⁄16 x 23” 5⁄8 x 25⁄32”



16,5x29x2 cm - 6” 1⁄2 x 11” 27⁄64 x 25⁄32”



side 11 cm  thickness 2 cm - side 4” 21⁄64  thickness 25⁄32” cm

side 16 cm  thickness 2 cm - side 6” 19⁄64 thickness 25⁄32”  cm



bevel 8x33x2 cm - 3” 5⁄32 x12” 63⁄64 x 25⁄32”

becco civetta 8x34x2 cm - 3” 5⁄32 x 12” 63⁄64 x 25⁄32”



1 side bevel/bullnose   20x35x3 cm - 7” 7⁄8 x 13” 25⁄32 x 1” 3⁄16

2 sides "L" bevel/bullnose  22,5x35x3 cm - 8” 55⁄64 x 13” 25⁄32 x 1” 3⁄16


1 side bevel/bullnose   100x35x3 cm - 39” 3⁄8 x 13” 25⁄32 x 1” 3⁄16

2 sides "L" bevel/bullnose 100x35x3 cm - 39” 3⁄8 x 13” 25⁄32 x 1” 3⁄16

3 sides bevel/bullnose 100x35x3 cm - 39” 3⁄8 x 13” 25⁄32 x 1” 3⁄16

FINISHING: smoothed


CUSTOM MADE:  different sizes on request / Rectification sides on request